Type-S Urethane Skateboard Wheels

Type-S Urethane

Type-S Urethane Wheels are designed and created by Lincoln Ueda and Sergie Ventura. Their goal was to make a skateboard wheel that didn't just rely on graphics and function. They took decades of their own skateboarding experience and years of research to develop what they feel is a functional, yet proper skateboard wheel. In doing so, they wanted to give back to the skateboarding industry that made us what we are today and to help those who ride enjoy the sport that much more.

The Type-s Urethane team is made up of Bastien Salabanzi - France, Bucky Lasek - United States, Christian Hosoi - United States, Lester Kasai - United States, Lincoln Ueda - Brazil, Lyn-Z Adams Hawkins - United States, Nicky Guerrero - Denmark, Pedro Barros - Brazil, Rodolfo Ramos - Brazil, Ronaldo Gomes - Brazil, Sergie Ventura - United States, Tom Schaar - United States and Tyler Hendley - United States.

Ride Bansko Apartments